Publisher: Down & Out Books
Published: June 2020
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A Jim Grant Thriller
When Jim Grant’s flight home to give evidence about Snake Pass is cancelled he is diverted via Charlotte NC. But missing that flight too he is forced to spend a 3-day layover at a seedy motel on the outskirts of town.
All Grant wants is a good night’s sleep, but with a skinny hooker and her pimp causing trouble along the hall that isn’t going to happen. Maybe throwing the pimp over the balcony wasn’t such a good idea but the flying pimp is just the start of Grant’s problems. After a fire in his room and the hooker in hospital, Grant is in the crosshairs of an ambitious detective. With the help of a local cab driver and the woman running a phone shop, he manages to learn what the pimp was really up to. Leading him to a gang of white supremacists and their training camp at Catawba Point.